Love Signature Pre-Wedding
Album,Photo & etc
1. Photo PS & High Resolution Soft Copy. Total 40 Images
2. UV Album Sized 20” x 15” with 10 Photographic Design
3. UV Album Sized 16” x 12” with 20 Full Page Photos
4. Custom Made Album Suitcase
5. Framed Enlargement sized 30” x 20” and 15” x 10”
6. Wedding E-Invitation (30’s Video) – Standard Design
Photography Session
1. Pro. Studio & Outdoor Photography (Total 120 poses)
2. Pro. Make-up, Hair Do and Image Design x 4 styles
3. Bride: Photo Collection Bridal & Evening Gown x 3 sets
4. Groom: Photo Collection Men’s Attire x 3 sets
5. Traditional Costume/New Trends “Han Costume” x1 pair
6. Fashion Accessories for Photography**
Actual Day & Banquet
1. STAREAST COLLECTION | Bridal Gown x 1 Set
2. STAREAST COLLECTION | Evening Gown x 1 Set
3. Selective Fashion Jewellery & Accessories
4. Bridegroom’s Coat & Accessories – 2 Sets
5. Bridal Car Decoration – 1 Set
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